Tuesday, 16-02-2010 *

I know this is a cliché, but sometimes a cliché is so strong, so breathtaking, that it has to be shown again and again and again. And the strange thing about it is that you have to see it with your own eyes to realize how special, how fantastic this is ... A picture is worth a thousand words, but nothing can compete with reality ...

Tuesday, 16-02-2010

Comments [Back to last photo]

PA wrote on 16.02.2010 at 21:05 Uhr:

Das erinnert mich, wie Du vor vielen Jahren einmal in Athen, wo wir Dir erklären wollten, wie lange das her ist, dass diese Tempel gebaut wurden, gefragt hast: Und wie wird Wien dann (in 2500 Jahren) ausschauen. Herzlichste Grüßelchens an Euch beide, PA